Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Secrets of the Ocean

Seals, squids, planktons, seaturtles, whales, mollusks, seahorses, dolphins, fishes, shells, jellyfishes, narwhals, crabs, seaweeds and mantas are the orthodox sea creatures that we all know. But do know any sea serpents or other sea creatures which are very rare?

I'm pretty sure you knows mermaids, don't you? But we all know they dont exist, right? But we can never sure. There are only 2 things possible: one, maybe we can't see them because they're not human brings so they must've possessed some kind of extraordinary powers that not even our naked or aided eyes could see. Second, maybe they dont really exist.

I'm pretty sure you've heard of a long time ago monster that lives in the Loch Ness Ocean in Scottland, havent you? Reports have been said that many people have seen them and took pictures. It looked like a pleaseusaurus.

Next, there's the kraken. It is a sea serpent which was known long time ago in England, i think. It was so slender and has two horns.

Anyway, my point is, life can be an ocean. It has so many secret hidden . It is mysterious. We dont know if we are suppose to see it or not. Sometimes, the world accidentally ses it, sometimes the wanted to. That's why there are some parts of the ocean which we are not suppose to see. When I think about it, it gives me the creeps.


Have you ever felt what death is like? Well, do you want to know how it feels?

Being dead is just a normal stage in life. It's just the stage where you live in another world, where your soul is free.

People are just like lack candles with red bows. The black candle reppresents as their human bodies while the bow rpresent as their memories. Losing the bow means loing both life and memories. What I mean by life is the stage when one was still walking here in the earth.

Some says thst after death, there'll be life again but you'l not be the same person as you used to be. That's what they call the 'Circle of the Life'. You probably have heard that from the 'Land Before Times' and 'Lion King'.

The 'Circle of Life' is just like a food chain. First and foremost, you lived, then you died then you lived again and so on. For example, if you're name today is Mandy, you groew older and dies, next generation, you'll become another different person. You're not the old Mandy anymore, you'll become Mindy , a new form of person. But you'll never remember anything about Mandy. All you know is that you're Mindy. GOd knows who or what you'll become in the next life. He has your memories and then place another brain for you to complete. It's just like making a home video project.

But that's just what they said. I'm not telling it's true, it can be or it can't be.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Facing Our Teenage Life Crisis

Teenage was not as easy and as fun as it looks. You'll have to wander around, meeting all sorts of people and looking for a place to belong. You'll have to feel all of the emotions ; being hurt, happy, bored and a lot of things whether you like it or not. Especially when you see your crush (come on, let's face it), instead of being happy because you saw him, you'd rather be lonely since he doesn't know that you admire at him. He's like 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' and that's all. Several parents also says that their kids becomes contumacious when they reach their teens. They dont really acquise the rules of their parents (like me) . But maybe because it's their stage to rule and to have freedom. Some teenagers even tells their parents "If only you'd let me go out all the time, I'd be popular."

Most of the people loves being a teenager especially their high school life. True, it's outrageous but it can never be fun. One thing for me really rulez my world ; 'you don't hae to show your smelly laundry to the media.' You'll have to consider a "hush-hush sentiment" so that there'll be some other parts in your life which is still c;andestine. Anyway, in this kind of stage, you'll never believe in tooth fairies, leprechauns, sea serpents, witches, wizzads and santa paws (rawr) i-i mean santa claus. And each one is required with a reliable comrade (w/c you might not know, backstabs you).It could be a human, a bark of a tree or a notebook. It's up to you. But I prefer a notebook. First and foremost, humans are not reliable as you think. Some only. Second, it would be a little freaky if you'll talk to a bark. Third, you could just write down your secrets and read it until the day you die.